Finding My Identity… pt 2

Hey family and friends!

Here is my second update from YWAM Perth! I wanted to do a video update this go around, however, due to the timing of some things and everything getting so busy between Emilys school and my own, I haven’t been able to find alone time in the classroom to film anything. I will aim for my next update being a video update! But I apologize if it doesn’t happen!

So, I will try to keep this short and to the point! I am alive and well! We are now more then halfway through week 6 of lecture phase! The time is seriously flying by, I feel like I just wrote my last update yesterday! I’m learning so much, yet I feel like Im still processing everything from week one, but everything is going well! I’m really enjoying lectures and God is revealing himself in such a deep way and there are so many emotions and feelings and my mind starts going a million miles a minute that I need to remind myself, it’s a process, and God gives me so much grace, He meets me where I am, and I just need to relax and trust what He is doing! I’m learning amazing things on this journey, and I wont want to end up just going through the motions! {Que matthew west song}

So, here is what’s been happening in weeks 4 and 5, and a bit of what I’m learing in week 6;

Week 4 we had Cliff Wiener teach on Intercession and Worship! I absolutely LOVE intercession and worship so this week was GREAT and Cliff was an awesome teacher and so great at involving us and keeping us focused and interested! I learned so much and gained a deeper knowledge of these passions, and I am excited to see how God grows these seeds that are planted! I learned so much about keeping my ears “open”, learning what God sounds like. To be physically active and Vocal in prayer and worship. Intercession is all about the Authority God has given to us! The moments we choose rebellion we are coughing up our authority to the enemy! Mind blowing! I’m also learning what true worship is, and how to stay focused and coming to God with sacrifice, in praise! Its all about Him and I’m learning to give up my worries and distractions and the crazy things that get into my mind while I go to worship! It’s all about praising God, fully!

In week 5, we had the crazy awesome Daniel Lehman Jr from the Kona base teaching on Intimacy and Hunger for God! In no way am I discrediting the other weeks, I think this has been my favorite week thus far! Learning about ways our hunger matures over time, and hunger will always grow the more our relationship with God grows! That spiritual hunger is evidence of Humility and humility opens the door to sustain hunger. We talked about how David was called a Man after Gods own heart, which I always pondered why since, well, He did some pretty awful things! But looking deeper, the fact is He wasn’t called that because of his perfection, but because of his PURSUIT of God! It’s all about pursuing God! I loved learning about having a “Premeditated Yes” when going to God, we tend to be like “Oh God tell me what your will is,” but in all honesty we are really thinking “God talk to me, but then Ill run it through my other thoughts and plans and see if its ok with my schedules and such”. I want to go to God, in full surrender, knowing His plans are whats best, and wherever they lead, I want to say Yes! And my favorite point of week 5, is we should never be afraid of darkness. We are the light, and we bring the light with us wherever we go! So if we go somewhere filled with darkness and sin, we shouldn’t let the darkness and sin overwhelm us, we should overcome the darkness with the light that is inside us! God is also working is my heart that I don’t have to strive for Him! Intimacy begins with him and He is always chasing after me, I just have to say Yes! How amazing is our God!!! 🙂

This week, the wonderful Colleen is teaching on Relationships! As we grow in relationship with God we become more vulnerable in our relationships with others. We won’t always “Get Along” with everyone, don’t excuse the wrongs that others do, but have grace, and realize; to the degree that we love is the degree that we can be hurt. Love is an ACTION, by very nature it has to be expressed!

A key phrase for this update :}

*You cannot have true worship without true submission* {yeah, it blew my mind too}

In closing… Again I am really loving lectures!!!! I cannot wait to see what God does in the following 6 weeks! Again a big thank you to everyone praying and supporting me through my journey! We are getting closer and closer to Outreach!!!! We now know our two teams, we will be going to two different locations in Manila, My team members are; Alicia, Andrew, Kai, Emily, Reese, Persis, Amy, and Veronika, and, our leader is the Awesome Alyssa! Colton will be joining us for the first two weeks, then he will head over to help the other team for a week, then he will head home to be with Peta as they prepare to welcome there lil one in April! 🙂 I’m sooooo excited for outreach!!! We have gotten a price of $3500 AU, please be praying for myself and my fellow team members who are trusting God to provide! We are praying for provision, and funds need to be paid by early december! If you would please pray and consider partnering with me on this outreach I would greatly appreciate any and all help! You can pay directly to YWAM (email me at for directions) or you can make a secure online donation at

Thanks so much again for checking out my blogs and keeping up with me! Ill post another update in December before outreach! Love you all! Before I head out though, as promised, here are some photos! I couldn’t get a ton saved but here are a few to hold you over for a bit! Enjoy 🙂



Published by: willingtowalkonwater

Hellio! My name is Tiffany and I currently live in a small town in Colorado! I am a very random person! I enjoy traveling, spending time with God, writing, reading, photography, random adventures, hanging with family and friends and my dog Sherlock, I love animals! I am a kid at heart and have a very silly fun personality :) To me anyways! lol I hope you enjoy my blog!


2 thoughts on “Finding My Identity… pt 2”

  1. Tiffany, this is Scott Pollak from Church180. You may remember me and my wife Kacy; we first met you and your family when bagging up all those thousands of door-hangers that we passed out earlier in the year. This Sunday John and Dana shared your story and photos and prayer needs with the church and it was thrilling to hear what’s going on. Please know that about 150+ people heard about your mission training and plans and are so, so excited for you. You may have already heard that Oliver, a Phillipino native who runs our sound board, closed out the update with a prayer in his native Phillipino language. It was truly beautiful.

    Know that we love you and your family dearly and are so proud of you and so excited for you. Keep us updated on your learning and travels and workings. I will be bookmarking this page and checking it regularly. Know that you are being covered by tons of prayer. God love and bless you AND your fellow missionaries. You are truly being the heart and hands of Jesus.


    1. Hi scott! Yes I remember 🙂
      I heard that she would be sharing! It is such a blessing knowing my home church is supporting me through this time! That is so awesome! I wish I could have heard olivers prayer, I know it must have been beautiful! Your encouraging words mean so much! I will be posting another update soon! Thank you for following this journey and praying for me and my team! Love you all! Sending big hugs from Australia ♡


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