Exciting things ahead!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying this day the God has given us! It’s so beautiful outside, I was able to enjoy the nice weather yesterday, today however will be spent mainly indoors due to having to work, but I am indeed thankful for my job as well, God has blessed me 🙂

Anywho! I have had some exciting news to share! The details aren’t 100% understood and worked out, but I am pursuing what God has put on my heart to pursue!

Some of you have already heard of this news, and I thank you for your support and your prayers along this journey of what to do next! For those who know me, a big thing the Lord is working on me with is overcoming fears! I tend to get excited about things, then I over analyze and think of what bad things could happen and I get terrified and decide, nope that can’t possibly be what God wants for me! haha yeah, silly me! I am so thankful that God never gives up though! We are not meant to live in a bubble, in our little comfort zones and nothingness so pain never hits us. Something I’ve learned since choosing to go to Thailand, especially, is He is constantly pushing us out of our comfort zones to do great things for Him! To grow us! To love on us! It’s AWESOME! lol Scary sometimes, but still very awesome 🙂

For the past 5 years I have considered and prayed about doing a YWAM DTS, for those who don’t know what that is, it is a 5-9 month Discipleship training school where you spend the first half of the school called the “Lecture Phase” studying, growing in your relationship with God, and preparing to spread the Gospel to the world. The second half of the school is the “Outreach Phase” where you travel with your team to the destination prayed about and chosen, and you spend time in these areas building relationships and preaching the gospel. You can learn more about it at ywam.org under Discipleship Training School 🙂                            Anywho, so back then, I hadn’t fully been interested in missions, it wasn’t until about two years ago when I fully allowed and accepted God into my heart and He filled me with a passion to set the world on fire for Him and do missions! But all throughout these years Ywam has constantly come up, in random and unexpected ways, specifically YWAM Ships in Kona Hawaii. So after much prayer and attempting to talk myself out of it out of fear, I’ve chosen to walk in Faith and the courage God is providing, and pursue a DTS in January of 2016! I feel strongly that God is pulling towards a YWAM Ships dts in Kona, so I will be sending my application there in a few months. Though I feel led to Kona, I also have a heart for two other bases, but I trust that God will continue to guide me and lead me wherever I should go! Please join me in prayer for continued guidance and courage! I would greatly appreciate it!

I have already started the fundraising process, though it seems I have lots of time, I also have a lot to raise, funds wise, so I’m working on spreading the word as well as gathering donations to do yard sales throughout the summer. Seeing as bake sales did not do very well for previous missions, I’ve decided to stick with the yard sales and look into a few other fundraising ideas! I do not have a gofundme account up for this yet due to being busy this week and I wasn’t sure when I was going to let people know about this, but I do have some free time coming this week so I will be working on a fundraising account as well as a support letter! I will post these soon so check back for any updates 🙂

Thanks for checking out my blog and I hope you are enjoying them, though I know I’ve only written a few so far :} And thank you to those who are supporting me through this time, and this exciting journey ahead! Thank you for your love, encouragement, prayers and feedback!

If you have any tips, encouragement, scriptures you feel led you share, prayer request, prayers, etc, please feel free to comment below or send me an email!

Sending all my love and hugs! ❤

Blessings to you all!                                                                                                                                         Tiffany

Published by: willingtowalkonwater

Hellio! My name is Tiffany and I currently live in a small town in Colorado! I am a very random person! I enjoy traveling, spending time with God, writing, reading, photography, random adventures, hanging with family and friends and my dog Sherlock, I love animals! I am a kid at heart and have a very silly fun personality :) To me anyways! lol I hope you enjoy my blog!

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